National Kidney Foundation

of South Africa

The NKFSA is not a registered medical practice and patients are encouraged to speak to their medical practitioner or visit a clinic about any suspected kidney related matter.

Welcome to the website of the NKFSA (National Kidney Foundation of South Africa).

We trust that visitors to our site will find interesting information of a clinical nature, as well as useful and interesting advice on preventing kidney disease. Kidney disease is classified as a non-communicable disease and is progressive in nature, although the progression can be slowed down or in some cases almost halted through proper care. It is estimated that 1 out of 10 people internationally have kidney disease but it can be as much as 1 out of 8 in South Africa. The objectives of the NKFSA is to prevent kidney disease, assist in the treatment of kidney patients through education and awareness, administration of research grants, patient support through information and ensuring high standards in the treatment of kidney disease.   Knowledge is power, and to this end we also support the development of outreach programmes, international liaison and the ongoing development and implementation of a kidney disease registry.

Welcome to the website of the NKFSA (National Kidney Foundation of South Africa).

We trust that visitors to our site will find interesting information of a clinical nature, as well as useful and interesting advice on preventing kidney disease. Kidney disease is classified as a non-communicable disease and is progressive in nature, although the progression can be slowed down or in some cases almost halted through proper care. It is estimated that 1 out of 10 people internationally have kidney disease but it can be as much as 1 out of 8 in South Africa. The objectives of the NKFSA is to prevent kidney disease, assist in the treatment of kidney patients through education and awareness, administration of research grants, patient support through information and ensuring high standards in the treatment of kidney disease.   Knowledge is power, and to this end we also support the development of outreach programmes, international liaison and the ongoing development and implementation of a kidney disease registry.



Funding is a vital element of the National Kidney Foundation of South Africa and we appeal to anyone connected with or interested in Kidney Health to support us financially in any of the following ways:

Please contact us at for more information on how to do this.

Contact Us!

Tel: +27 (0) 11 447 2531



The National Kidney Foundation of SA is an Incorporated Association not for gain, registered as a Section 21 Company and a Public Benefit Organisation. (Registration No. 1972/014385/08, PBO No. 93-0010315). The NKFSA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of voluntary medical and business professionals. The NKFSA is run from a Johannesburg based office.



Research grants are offered from time to time depending on funding from sponsors. When a grant becomes available a notice will be sent to Heads of Renal and Transplantation Units. If you would like to receive the notice for your practice or unit please ensure that we have your contact details on record by sending us an e-mail.  Notice of a grant will also be posted on the NKFSA facebook page. The notice will contain details of the grant while terms and conditions and detailed application forms will be available from the National Kidney Foundation via e-mail at /